Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Good Book...And a Better One

I know that the title of this blog is Gamer, Baker, Candy Maker, so talking about other stuff may not be what you’re looking for. But I have to tell you, I just finished reading “The Gathering” by Kelley Armstrong and I loved it! It is the first book in her new series “Darkness Rising” but in a way, it is also the forth book in the “Darkest Powers” series. But don’t get your hopes up, none of the characters we know and love are in this book, but the villains are, more or less.

The short version (which shouldn’t spoil anything for you) of the story is a high school student named Maya, unbeknownst to her, is developing powers. See. No spoilers here. She lives on Vancouver Island in Canada, her dad is a park ranger and she takes care of hurt and wounded animals. Good story. If you liked her "Darkest Power" series this one should be a good fit. Just do not expect to see Chole or the other kids from Lyle House here or you will be sorely disappointed.

I was perusing Kelley Armstrong's website and ran across something I had to share with ya'll. In addition to a bunch of short story freebies, there is also a "Darkest Powers Bonus Pack"! You can buy it from Amazon for your Kindle for ninety-nine cents! You had better believe that I will be availing myself of that ASAP. I am very excited because I felt this was a trilogy that would benefit from an additional book.

And if you love Kelley Armstrong books, try “Bitten”. It was the first book I read of her's and oh wow, was it fantastic! “Bitten” is clearly an “adult” book both in the style of writing and some of the content and themes. It isn’t as fast a read, but it still an engrossing one! Of course she (Armstrong) did looses me (in further books from the series) when she leaves Elena behind and starts focusing on Paige. But never mind that “Bitten” is an awesome read and you don't have to read any more of the series to feel satisfied.
I will save you the agony of telling you my complete current reading list. Because yes, sadly, I am one of those people who likes to read multiple books at once. And I don't mean that I pick up a book, read a few pages, decided it's boring and set it aside to maybe come back to several months from now. No, not at all. I start a book, read it, set it aside and pick up a different book and read a few pages or a few chapters. The next night I might pick up yet another book and so on. You get the idea. If I haven't read it in more than 2 weeks I consider the book on the shelf and may or may not go back to it. I don't count those books and I don't count cookbooks or magazines either when I mention current reads. Just so we're clear.

So right now I'm reading "Firelight" by Sophie Jordan, "Vampire Academy" by Richelle Mead and, up until twenty minutes ago, "The Gathering". So right now my list is pretty light. And yes. I like to read what "junk food books". Oh. And I'm also reading "The Killing Dance" by Laurelle K Hamilton. If I added in cookbooks the list would grow by an additional 7 or 8 books, most of them about pie making.

And that concludes our tour of Jen's Reading Habits. I hope you enjoyed our little excursion off the main path and I hope that you will come back soon for more of the many sights and sounds of Gamer, Baker, Candy Maker. Our next post will be focused on the Baker part of the title. See  ya soon, I hope!

Oh yeah! One more thing. Don't forget to checkout my other blog JensGoodFood.blogspot.com

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